Rock Solid Faith

“We have found the Messiah”  (which is translated Anointed).   John 1:41

After spending a glorious first day with Jesus, Andrew goes and finds his brother Simon, enthusiastically telling Simon they found Him.   Simon responds without hesitation. At this first meeting,  Jesus looks into Simon’s heart and mind then Jesus renames Simon– Peter which means ‘the rock.’  Later Jesus tells Peter, “Upon this rock I shall build my Church, and the gates of Hell will not overcome it.”  (Matthew 16:18).  Peter now is a part of God’s Grand Plan.

Jesus looks into us is seeing faith, both oak tree sized faith to mustard seed sized faith. Jesus expects rock solid faith within us and will train and teach His disciples about this type of faith. Faith relies only in Jesus who uses His forgiveness is a guiding principle to perfect us in faith. We have the assurance of all of our Savior’s love, hope, and guidance. Peter is a rock solid brother in Christ — his life shows forgiveness and Jesus’ desire to teach us with His words in Scripture.

It’s honestly humbling to be so often forgiven and in turn give merciful forgiviness to others.  Does forgiveness come easy to us?  Not always. Yet, the greater the forgiveness we’ve received from Jesus then the more forgiving we may be. When we experience New Birth in Jesus then we know and understand the greatest forgiveness of our lives. Jesus’ forgiving loving compassion helps us to grow stronger and more solid in faith as together we are His rock solid Church.

Author: At My Father's Desk

Clergywoman, Bible scholar, technology, spirituality, teaching online, preacher, evangelist for Christ.

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