Our Hearts Join In Christ’s Love

Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a sabbath day’s journey away. When they had entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying… Acts 1:12-13

A little more than a half mile away from Jerusalem is Olivet, the Mount of Olives. Why does Dr. Luke write, ‘a sabbath day’s journey away’ when this distance may be walked in less than an hour? He crafts wording this way because there were several hundred thousand people camping outside of the city during Passover. Jesus was crucified on Passover and appeared to believers for 40 days after His Resurrection— Luke (author of Acts) is reminding us of this Holy time and our Passover Lamb Jesus.

After 40 days Jesus Christ ascends into heaven and two angels speak with the disciples to say how Christ will return to us from the throne of heaven. Then the 11 men disciples and the 7 women disciples return to the comforting Holiness of the upper room and there they pray in oneness, praise, and waiting.

Believers will never have this particular time of waiting again. This is a one-time event in all of history. Christ gives us the Holy Spirit at the first Pentecost then all the blessings from the Heavenly Father’s Promise Of The Spirit flow continually into believers who say, “In the Name of Jesus Christ, come Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for anointing me with your Spirit of Truth.” The Holy Spirit’s sanctifying flow is what makes us Christ’s Kingdom on earth, with our hearts joined in Christ’s love for us.

Author: At My Father's Desk

Clergywoman, Bible scholar, technology, spirituality, teaching online, preacher, evangelist for Christ.

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