Philip Proclaims The Good News

The eunuch asked Philip, “About whom, may I ask you, does the prophet say this, about himself or about someone else?” Then Philip began to speak, and starting with this Scripture, he proclaimed to him the Good News about Jesus. Acts 8:34-35

The eunuch was reading aloud from the Book of Isaiah, the prophesy regarding the servant Messiah who is Jesus Christ. When Philip runs alongside the chariot, then the man asks him to come up to talk with him about the Scripture, we again see the Holy Spirit at work in a heart hungry to receive salvation. Hungry hearts need Jesus.

For you can understand with your mind the humble offer that Christ makes to you as the only servant to salvation yet it is with your heart that by faith you believe. Then the Holy Spirit convicts your heart in such a way that you find that all your hopes, dreams, and desires are actually met in Christ. Christ is everything and His Kingdom is revealed. At Baptism you are sealed in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Good News began when God came down from heaven with a babe in His arms out of His love for you. That child, born to a virgin woman, was God’s own beloved Servant Son. Read aloud, learn with your heart from Scriptures, which also tell of the suffering Servant at the Cross. After Jesus Christ’s glorious Resurrection and at Pentecost abundant life in Jesus is given to us. Christ breathed the Holy Spirit (His real Presence) into believers back then and into hungry hearts now.

Author: At My Father's Desk

Clergywoman, Bible scholar, technology, spirituality, teaching online, preacher, evangelist for Christ.

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